Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The Letter "B"

Emma and I were alone today in "Pre-School." We learned about the letter "B." We played with balloons and tried to keep them up in the air, while trying to stop Ellie from eating them. We colored our ABC Book while I read her books about "B"unnies, "B"ears, and another "B" names. Ellie loves the reading part the most. She likes to pretend that she is reading too-really cute to see.
We then got straws and colored bubble solution (tempera paint-powder) and blew bubbles on paper. When the bubbles popped, it made pretty colorful shapes. Emma had a fun time watching the bubbles and tried so hard not to pop them too soon.

We then went outside and blew bubbles while we ate bananas and blue suckers.

1 comment:

Julie said...

I sure hope you will keep updating us on what you do for each letter because I love it and am getting some good ideas! Thanks Pix!

Cricket :)