Friday, August 15, 2008

Potty Training...

Okay. I am really struggling. When Emma was two, we started putting her on the toilet and really trying to get her to go. She went every once in a while, but just didn't seem all that interested or really understand what was supposed to happen to her little body. I would try for a week and then not for a couple of months. We have been doing this for a year almost. She will be three next month and IS STILL NOT POTTY TRAINED! I set the timer every 15 minutes and when the timer goes off, she knows to run into the bathroom and sit on her princess toilet. She'll take a book with her and sit and sit and sit. She'll say, "All done." and then take off. She goes every once in a while, but she mostly gets frustrated and says, "Mom, I CAN'T do it." She'll really try. We have a toilet sticker chart for her to put stickers on when she sits on the toilet, and I took her shopping and she picked out some cheap toys and treats and we put it in the treat bucket, so when she actually goes in the toilet, she gets to pick something. This is great and all, but she is still not catching on. She will mess in her diaper and then want to run in the bathroom and sit on the toilet AFTER she has gone. I have been trying so hard, but don't know what to do. Everyone tells me to read the book about potty training a kid in a day, but I would really love to hear any other ideas that have worked with you. Thanks! I'm so tired of changing two girl's diapers all day...HELP!!!


Holli said...

I have decided that I'm going to start introducing the toilet to Ellie a little bit earlier. I will have her sit on it when she is 18 months...maybe that will help.

Unknown said...

hey holli
I heard that this book is amazing and it totally makes sense you should go get it. Its called potty training in 24 hours. (or one day I can't remember) So try that and let me know what you think. We are starting cayden now that he is 18 months!! Goood LUck!!
-Alicia Ruth

Kristi said...


I had your same struggle and potty training was the biggest trial for me ever!! I skimmed through the potty training in less than a day book and it had some helpful things. Mostly it made it so I sat down and talked to Gwen about what it would be like etc. I don't know but the time that we tried potty training and she was actually ready (a little older than three, maybe three and three months or something) it made the world of difference. She got it and was excited about it, I didn't have to bang my head on the wall. I am not even going to try to potty train Ben until he is 3. Too much headache! Good luck, I feel for you!

Amy said...

Gage was three and a half before he was potty trained. I thought it was a miracle when it actually happened, lol. The thing for him was that he understood, but he didn't WANT to do it. Once your child is that old, they understand the concept of using the potty.

What sealed the deal for him was having to leave some fun places - the library, park, preschool - because he had an accident in his pants. I told him we would leave immediately if he had an accident. He was pretty upset, but after having his fun ruined a few times, he decided that he would use the potty rather than have to go home.