Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Happy Memorial Day!

We love memorial day. What a wonderful time to be with family and to remember those that have given us so many freedoms, and to avoid the cemetaries. lol Not to be insensitive. It is always so crazy, so we always go visit my Grandma Pat later in the week.
Anyway, this year was a fun year. We always go to my Grandpa's house and have a breakfast barbeque with everyone. After Andrey got the flags up, we headed over where we had pancakes, sausage, bacon, eggs, and had a blast playing volleyball, tetherball, horseshoes, playing on the swingset, riding on the train that Andrey and uncle Joe put together, hitting the pinata, etc.
I love being with family and planning the summer reunions.
We also had another barbeque with my Aunt and Uncle Joe and Arlene. It was fun for all the younger kids to get together and play. It is fun to watch my girls with the younger children. They get along so well now and it's nice to relax and be with my family.
I hope all of you had a great holiday!

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