A couple months back, Andrey and I were shopping at Walmart and i saw a box where you enter in who you think the best teacher is and what qualities make him/her the best teacher of the year...I filled it out for my dad. He really is a great teacher and I have become friends with a lot of his older students and they have always told me the things they loved about him. After writing a small paragraph, I went on my way totally forgetting about that.
Last week, my mom called and said that my dad's school was throwing him a surprise assembly because he had won the Teacher of the Year Award. I asked who sponsored it, and yup, Walmart was.
How exciting. Many other people had entered in their own reasons as to why my dad deserved this award, and it was exciting to go to his school....well, sneak into his school and all of us (family memebers) lined up the back of the gym and waited as the Walmart representatives announced that their was a winner from Western Hills Elementary. He continued to read the reasons why that teacher deserved this award and then, drum roll, they announced my dad. It was so fun to see his shock and then flattery as he walked up to the front to receive his prizes. There was money going toward the school, personal money for my dad, as well as a plaque and other prizes. How exciting. We continued to wait for him to notice us all there, but it took Lavern to point us out. He was shocked that we knew for a whole week and didn't say a single work. Hee, hee. Congratulations Dad. Love you and we're all so proud of you and your accomplishments.
Last week, my mom called and said that my dad's school was throwing him a surprise assembly because he had won the Teacher of the Year Award. I asked who sponsored it, and yup, Walmart was.
That's really cool! Congrats to your dad!
tell your dad congrats, I told my family and they all thought that was cool.
Hooray for your dad!!!!! hooray for Western Hills!!!!
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