Tuesday, October 23, 2012


Ethan and I went to Primary childrens for a few hours yesterday and met with the Cranio...team.  We saw the orthadontist/dentist, plastic surgeon, nurse of cleft palets, speech and language patholigist, ENT, and then Eye doctor. Ethan is going to undergo a surgery soon to fix his sub-mucus pallet and soft pallet. We are going to work with him on his speech and see how he does before the surgery. He is at high risk for sleep apnea and further problems if he has the surgery, so our goal is to watch him and hope that he will do better with sleeping now. We put his crib in a separate room than ours so hopefully that will help and the next step is to ween him off the bottle (a harder thing for mom than him).
I am so appreciative for doctors that can answer my questions and take time to really care for our sweet boy and give us the info and goals that we can make to help him.
The speech therapist also wants to take Ethan on as a patient (she just fell in love with him) and wants to help move him along quicker with his speech and signing since he picks up on signs quickly.
This day went from a stressful one to one of relief and blessings and gratitude towards our Heavenly Father who truly prepares a way for everything that comes our way.
We are so blessed to have Ethan as a part of our family and are so grateful for all the help and support along the way.

1 comment:

Kerry Hoaglund said...

Oh Holli I hope it all works out for you. You are such a sweet and loving mother and I know you will make it through this. I hope the surgery goes well. If you need anything at all do not hesitate to call me! I love you friend!