We woke up and had a fun family breakfast with Aunt Wendy's famous breakfast rolls and sausage. We then got eggs filled with candy for our annual easter egg hunt.
While preparing food for our barbeque, the eggs were hidden by the adults and we then went on to our baseball game. I am so out of shape and not as good at baseball as I remembered. So we voted a new sport for next year. Ha,ha. It was still a fun evening.
We then returned to Arlene's and had our easter egg hunt. It is so fun watching the kids go crazy for candy and all the shiny easter eggs. We finished the night with a barbeque, games, and Lucy's first birthday party at mom's.
Easter Sunday was an emotional one for me as I thought and pondered about our Savior and all He has done for us. I know He loves each of us. He atoned for our sins, and was resurrected and made it possible for each of us to have perfect bodies and be happy with our families forever as we live according. We finished off our Easter holiday with a few more easter egg hunts (at home and then at Aunt Serenie's) and a nice dinner with Andrey's family.
We hope you all had a wonderful Easter and felt of our Savior's love for each of you.
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